"The LEADER Program is of an elite character and is addressed to scientists from various scientific disciplines. It is a unique and complementary project in the system of financing science in Poland. It creates a strong basis for strengthening the competitiveness of Polish science and a new generation of Polish scientists on a European and global scale. It is also part of the global trend of creating new, targeted instruments for financing research by young scientists.
The main objective of the LEADER program is to increase the abilities of young scientists to self-plan, manage and lead their own research teams while carrying out scientific projects whose results can be implemented in the economy.
The LIDER program also serves to stimulate cooperation between scientists and companies by making it possible to conduct research with commercialization and implementation potential, to stimulate mobility between sectors, universities and scientific units.
The applicant applies to the program together with the Unit, which can be a research organization (public or private) conducting scientific research or scientific work."
Project title: Hybrid unmanned vertical take-off and landing aircraft with autorotation flight capability
Project number: LIDER/27/0140/L-10/18/NCBR/2019
Project duration: 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2022
Grant amount: 1 486 100.00 PLN
Zbigniew Czyż, Eng.D., from the Military University of Aviation has been selected as a laureate of the 10th edition of the LEADER program financed by the Polish National Centre for Research and Development.
The main objective of the project is to develop a new generation of aircraft that combines features of autogyros and multirotors. The classic autogyro propulsion system will be supported by additional electric motors with propellers with thrust vectoring. This propulsion system will be used mainly for the sake of flight safety and optimal management of the power required for the flight. Multi-rotor aircraft are more and more popular. They are characterized by relatively high energy consumption during flight in relation to the hover. The XGyro multi-rotor propulsion system will enable vertical take-off. After reaching the required forward speed due to the flowing air, the auto-rotating main rotor starts to generate a lift force. The rapidly increasing lift force of the main rotor allows the power of the additional rotors of the multi-rotor propulsion system to be reduced until they are completely deactivated. The redundant propulsion system generating lift force increases landing safety. XGyro enables several landing techniques. The solution proposed in the project will allow to land like a typical classical autogyro. This means that it is not required to use additional rotors. In order to achieve more precision during landing, it is possible to use only the multirotor propulsion system. Due to the possible different landing techniques and the two independent propulsion systems that generate the lift force, the XGyro aircraft offers higher safety compared to competing solutions. The forward flight is performed at autorotation due to the lower energy consumption.